Yacht app

Yacht app: The ultimate yacht monitoring experience.

Imagine being able to monitor your yacht or boat from anywhere in the world right from your fingertips, our proprietary management app is now the ultimate tool for yacht owners not only in our direct fleet of managed vessels but across the country to stay updated on maintenance, upkeep, service, photos, and vessel information!

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yacht or boat app

Main App benefits

With having access to our yacht management app you will receive notifications on when service is due on your yacht!

Our clients receive notifications each time a YMS Yacht Management Services team member visits the vessel to complete the custom checklist and upload recent photos!

Having the ability to provide service personel with accurate system information in seconds saves a-lot of time which saves money.

app for yachts

View your Tank levels

Have the ability to view your current tank levels from anywhere! Our team and captains update these levels after each visit and outing! You will receive a notification that this was updated!

yachting apps

Stay updated with our custom checklist

A YMS Yacht Management Services team member will visit the boat and build out a completely custom checklist. This includes, exterior detailing, interior detailing, sea strainers, full systems check, hours and much more! This is updated each week by our team or your crew!

yacht tracker

Upcoming service monitoring

This section of our management app allows you to view when services are due. The colors change automatically according to due dates for annual service for your yacht. You will also receive a notification 2 months prior so arrangements can be made by our service team and when the service is due!

Frequently Asked Questions

How does this information get to the app?

This is a great question. When a YMS Yacht Management Services team member visits the boat, we update tank levels, submit the checklist and upload photos for the owner. This happens instantly once we hit submit! The rest of the information is input by our yacht managers as well as our administrative team as needed.

Can I request crew for my boat?

Yes! You absolutely can. In the “crew/ make ready” section of the app you can request a captain, stewardess or deckhand. You can add a date and time and provide trip details in the notes section. We will then accept the request when crew is placed. You also have the ability to select “make ready” for the owner operators who want to show up to a fully ready boat!

What other information does the app hold?

This app is truly limitless when it comes to information. We upload vessel documents (hurricane plans, insurance COI’s, registrations etc) all with expiration dates and notifications.  We also store useful information like vessel specs, system information, USCG safety items and locations!

How can we help?

Do you have more questions about our mobile app or about our custom yacht management programs? We’d love to hear from you.